22 Jump Street [2014] – Review


22 Jump Street [2014] – Review

After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) when they go deep undercover at a local college. But when Jenko meets a kindred spirit on the football team, and Schmidt infiltrates the bohemian art major scene, they begin to question their partnership. Now they don’t have to just crack the case – they have to figure out if they can have a mature relationship. If these two overgrown adolescents can grow from freshmen into real men, college might be the best thing that ever happened to them.


22 Jump Street jumps right back into the bromance comedy that you loved in 21 Jump Street. It’s pretty obvious that the story does not take itself seriously and it’s main goal is to put the stars in ridiculous situations.  This time they go undercover at a local college to stop the spread of a new drug called “Wiphy” (Wi-Fi). The ying and yang buddy-cop tandem of Channing and Jonah have wonderful chemistry reprising their roles as Schmidt and Jenko. Tensions arise between the duo when they decide to split to investigating different social groups within the college. Most of the movie is nonstop jokes involving race, sexuality, and even ageism.  The movie does slow from boring frat and football plots you’ve seen in many college movies, but there were at least 2 to 3 hilarious scenes that had the audience rolling. 22 Jump Street also lack the wit and originality of the first film, but the duo of Channing and Jonah is just to fun to not watch. 22 Jump Street sticks with the same successful formula and delivers on the laughs. Can’t wait to see if the next year of schooling pays off.

7 out of 10 Stars  “Jenko: uh oh, co-ed bathrooms. Schmidt: Fuck. I’m not gonna take a dump the entire time we’re here..” 


22 jump street

(major spoilers ahead) (you’ve been warned)

Highlights –

Channing and Jonah – Probably one of the great duos. Channing plays the muscle and Jonah plays the mouth. Together they play well off one another and could be better than the teams of lethal weapon, rush hour, and Beverly Hills Cop

Dating the daughter – Probably one of the funniest scenes in the movie is the realization of who Schmidt is dating. It was a shocking moment that the audience did not see coming. Few scenes later, Jenko finds out the news and more hilarious fun ensues.

Final Fight – The final fight with Schmidt and the final reveal really saved the movie for me. It’s one of the most hilarious fight scenes I’ve seen in a long time and I didn’t want it to end.

23 Jump Street – Medical School? That would be interesting if they ever do it.

Cameos – There are at least 3 cameos that got good laughs

Problems –

Football and Fraternity – Found most of the football scenes and fraternity scenes a bore.

Lack Originality – One of the main reasons of the success of the first 21 Jump Street was the shocking amount of use of profanity and use of blood and violence. This movie loses the shock factor from the 1st film.


A Million Ways to Die In The West [2014] – Review



A Million Ways to Die in the West – Review

As a cowardly farmer begins to fall for the mysterious new woman in town, he must put his new-found courage to the test when her husband, a notorious gun-slinger, announces his arrival.


Saddles Blazing and Hell Raising, A Million Ways to Die in the West is a slug-fest of jokes that know no limits, but crude humor may limit it’s appeal to viewers looking for a smart comedy. Seth MacFarlane’s movie is the first western with dirty humor, sexual themes, and a few amazing cameos. The story revolves around Albert who is the charming good guy looking to rekindle his romance with his ex girlfriend, but ends up falling for Anna, his relationship coach.  Just like his hit show Family Guy, the jokes are non stop and their is no stone left unturned. Race, sex, toilet humor, and even a musical number make up many comedic moments. The movie cinematic’s were quite impressive and the landscapes will pull you right into the movie.  Where the movie lacks is an actual good story or any amazing action scenes which makes sections of the movie a little slow. Sarah Silverman has the perfect role as the neighborhood prostitute and Neil Patrick Harris does what he does best as the new evil boyfriend. Overall, A Million Ways to Die in the West isn’t for everyone, but if you like poop, piss, and penis jokes, it’s a great time in the ole west.

7 out of 10 Stars  “Please don’t shoot us on sex night” 


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(some spoilers ahead)

Highlights –

Cameos – The cameos were amazing in this movie. Without spoiling too much, it revolves around getting shot, jumping to the future, and a slave.

Soundtrack – You really feel like your watching an old western with the great musical numbers.

Sarah Silverman – Sarah as the town prostitute was so funny. She does not have sex with her fiance, but goes balls out literally with all the johns in town.

Problems –

Story – Very predictable story with no surprises other than the cameos. You know right from the start where the story is headed without any twist and turns.

Action – At times the movie does get slow. The movie lacks a memorable chase scene or a nice gun battle that may have made up for some of the dull moments in the movie.

Godzilla [2014] – Review


Godzilla [2014] – Review

The world’s most famous monster is pitted against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity’s scientific arrogance, threate.


Godzilla is still the King of Monsters, unfortunately in this latest reboot, he is more of a side story than the star. Gareth Edward’s story focuses way too much on humans and on Godzilla’s rival monsters. The movie begins with heart and a great performance by Bryan Cranston. Ken Watanabe also adds some much needed back story to explain where the monsters came from. It isn’t till the second act is when Godzilla appears and it was amazing seeing his enormous size and how he compares to previous iterations. Aaron Taylor-Johnson soon becomes the focus of the film, but adds absolutely nothing to the story. One large problem with the movie is it’s sense of urgency. We see monsters destroying cities on the newscast, but most of the humans are going about the day with no care.  The final act is just monster bashing monsters and as much as I can see people enjoying it, I felt Del Toro’s film Pacific Rim was way more advance. It felt as if Godzilla was fighting only class 1 Kaijus and never really pose a threat. Godzilla promises being the ultimate monster movie, in the end, the monster fight is getting more crowded and it’s still wide open.

5 out of 10 Stars  “Let them Fight!” 



(some spoilers ahead)

Highlights –

Godzilla – The look of Godzilla is amazing. You really felt like he was Godzilla when he walks and screams. His fire breath was also a nice touch. I wanted more of his story, but it just seems as if he magically appears just to fight the monsters.

Problems –

Focus – The biggest problem of the film is the focus. Godzilla needs to be the star of the movie and he was just the creature on the side who comes in to help the humans and leaves at the end. The villainous monsters also had way too much story time.

Bryan Cranston – He was the heart and the best actor in the whole movie and yet he dies in the 1st act of the movie.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson – I found his performance boring, lackluster, and pointless. Jumping out of an airplane was a nice scene, but also pointless. Trying to recover a nuke was nonsense.

Monster Fight – Godzilla’s fight might be mediocre at best. I found many times they cut away from the fight at the most important moments to bring in the human element. If your going to make a monster movie, make it about the monsters. And did anyone notice the monsters look like the same monster in Cloverfield?

Neighbors [2014] – Review


Neighbors  [2014] – Review

A couple with a newborn baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house.


Neighbors is a block party gone wild!!!   It’s filled with drug, sex and vulgarity that brings back memories of wild college life. It’s not fine storytelling, but it’s a revenge film built on mindless slapstick that is here to give you a couple of hours of laughter. If your a huge Seth Rogen fan, then this is the film fits perfectly. Zach Effron plays the straight face fraternity president that is bent on making a legacy to last all time and does a great job as Seth’s rival. Rose Byrne is an absolute star and was quite refreshing seeing her in a really raunchy comedy. Dave Franco also is starting to emerge from the shadow of his brother James. This movie is not made for everyone, older viewers may find this movie immature, but young adults will gobble this movie up! Neighbors might be this years party of the year, but it might also have you calling the cops.

6 out of 10 Stars  “Keep it DOWN!” 



(some spoilers ahead)

Highlights –

Rose Byrne – It was really refreshing to see Rose Byrne in a role like this. She is raunchy, funny, and a total surprise in this role. She’s also amazingly beautiful. You even get to see some boobs even tho it was probably just prosthetics.

Kissing Game – Rose Byrne’s elaborate plan to turn frat brothers against each other is one of the best scenes and had the crowd cheering. It’s a very sexy and steamy scene that left me wanting more

Meet the fookers – Dave Franco’s impression of Robert De Niro is one of the big highlights of the film for me. He was dead on with the voice, the face, and mannerisms.

Baby – Possibly one of the cuttest babies on the screen and had the audience saying “awwww” so many times

Problems –

Story – It’s probably one of the most immature movies I’ve seen in awhile. Basically neighbors pranking each other till one gives up.



The Amazing Spiderman [2014] – Review


The Amazing Spiderman 2  [2014] – Review

Peter Parker runs the gauntlet as the mysterious company Oscorp sends up a slew of supervillains against him, impacting on his life.


The Amazing Spiderman 2 is an electrifying addition to the Spiderman Saga. It’s a compelling mystery storyline with an amazing cast of characters. You learn more about Peter’s parents, it builds on the relationship with Gwen Stacy, and introduces some real bad ass villains. Jamie Foxx’s Max Dillon is a little too comic book for my taste, but when he becomes Electro, he becomes a menacing scary foe. The Green Goblin origin story was also pretty surprising with it’s motivations and ties in to this overall story well. The heart of the story is still with the Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy’s relationship. Spiderman is in constant battle with keeping his loved ones safe while also trying to give hope to a city that needs him. Although this Spiderman does nothing too amazing, the potential of a Spiderman Universe is bright as ever!

7 out of 10 Stars  “Soon, everyone in the city will know how it feels to live in a world without power, without mercy, without Spider-Man!” 



(some spoilers ahead)

Highlights –

Electro – I thought Jamie Foxx does a wonderful job with what he had to work with. Max Dillion is a total loner, but by the end his transformation to Electro is scary. What I particularly loved about Electro was his voice. Whenever he talks you can hear the sizzling bass in his voice. Also the dub step soundtrack was a nice touch. I wasn’t too found of the way he was easily dispatched at the end thoough.

Gwen Stacy – She steals every scene that she was in. She has a radiant personality and very believable as Peter Parker’s love. She is a very strong character compared to the screaming damsel in distress you see in many movies. When she’s falling from the sky, she’s not a screamer, but is still thinking of ways to help Spiderman.

Green Goblin – I loved the Green Goblin’s origin story. His selfish motivations to save himself rather than revenge his fathers death is a welcoming surprise. He is young, not experienced in the art of war yet, and immature. With the help of some friends, Spiderman is going to be in some serious trouble in the future. I especially loved when he drops one of those Green Goblin bombs and it did get me pretty excited.

Problems –

Action Scenes – Some of the action felt a little too fake and a little too overboard. Spiderman’s cockiness is similar to how he is in the comic books, but it made the movie feel not as real.

Too Many Villains – With too many villains, I really felt as if Electro’s fall was anticlimactic and wished there was more with his storyline. Rhino popping in at the end also felt a little disjointed and felt like we were starting another movie. It’s really gonna see how the director is going to juggle Villains in future films as there are many more coming after Spiderman.

The Other Woman [2014] – Review


The Other Woman  [2014] – Review

After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly soon meets the wife he’s been cheating on. And when yet another affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot mutual revenge on the three-timing SOB.


The Other Woman is a forgettable sisterhood comedy with very few laughs. It’s distorted story line doesn’t know if it should empower women or insult the female sex. Leslie Mann is the only character that is interesting on screen. Her bubbly fast talking psycho attitude gives the film it’s only value. Cameron Diaz looks disinterested throughout the film, and why did Kate Upton even take this stupid role? With such a talented cast, it’s laughs are far too seldom and story just plain dull. The Other Woman is a disappointment and it’s time to cheat on this film with the Other Movie!

4 out of 10 Stars  “Selfish people live longer.” 



(some spoilers ahead)

Highlights –

Leslie Mann – Mann is electrifying in every scene she is in. She does what she can to make this movie somewhat watchable. She is the heart of the film even though they advertise Cameron Diaz as the lead. She is funny, she is attractive, and she deserves to be taken as a lead actor.

Kate Upton – Wow is she gorgeous! Wow she is pretty!

Problems –

Predictable Storyline – There is nothing in this storyline that is revolutionary. It’s a simple revenge story that doesn’t do anything different you haven’t seen before.

Not Many Laughs – The laughs are just not there. I think the best laugh was probably a scene where Cameron Diaz gets pushed into the bushes and Leslie uses her legs to pretend shes stretching.

Stereotypes – Portraying Asians as Geishas again! Asians are not all prostitutes, gang lords, and masseuse! This scene really took me out of this movie.

Kate Upton – As hot as she is why did she take this role? The stereotype with models is that they are just looks and have no brains. So what does this movie do? Put that stereotype right into the forefront. Kate Upton plays the dumbest role I’ve seen in years!



Sabotage [2014] – Review


Sabotage  [2014] – Review

Members of an elite DEA task force find themselves being taken down one by one after they rob a drug cartel safe house.


Sabotage features some of the world’s top actors, but is brought down by a horrible script and characters that have no heart.  There is nothing elite about this task force. The characters are all criminals, unlikable and you have no care they get eliminated one by one. Harsh language and extreme violence is all I will remember from this movie. People going into this movie may think it’s an action film, but I would compare this more to a mystery horror movie similar to Seven. Arnold Schwarzenegger does what he can with his role, but these days, I felt Escape Plan was more his style. Sabotage had all the makings of being a good movie, but ends up blowing it!

4 out of 10 Stars  “Concentrate, it’s pay day!” 



(some spoilers ahead)

Highlights –

Mystery Thriller – I actually like the fact that this movie was a mystery thriller rather than a full blown action film. It did keep me engaged throughout the whole movie, but the ending was a huge disappointment

Problems –

Extreme Violence – Wow that was so unnecessary. This movie is so gory with body parts and blood.

Extreme Language – I don’t know how many times I heard the F word, but this movie ranks up there with the best of them. I felt it was more a distraction and should of been toned down

Well-timed Comedy – The investigators are just as bad. After a character gets mangled and gored, the agents come in for some comic relief and start discussing about their sex lives.

Horrible Script – What did I just watch? Every characters motivations are everywhere. All the characters are criminals and are unlike-able. The script is way too complicated than it needed to be. People just wanted to watch this elite team be bad-asses.

300: Rise of an Empire [2014] – Review


300: Rise of an Empire  [2014] – Review

Greek general Themistokles leads the charge against invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes and Artemisia, vengeful commander of the Persian navy.


300: Rise of an Empire is extremely bloody, overly violent, and totally AWESOME! New director Noam Murro takes over for Zack Snyder and doesn’t miss a beat. It completely ties in to Leonidas story and is almost as if it is running simultaneously. The story is outrageous and not as original as the first, but by the end you feel empowered to join forces against the Persians. Rise of an Empire also delivers some of the best combat scenes to ever be put on film. Eva Green is a huge standout in the film as the main villain Artemisia. Although there are no amazing leads as Gerald Butler’s Leonidas, Lena Headey and newcomer  Sullivan Stapleton lead the charge well for our heroes. 300 Rise of an Empire is everything I wanted in a sequel and the action scenes alone are worth the price of admission. Rise and bow to the next King of the box office!

8 out of 10 Stars  “You fight harder than you fuck!” 



(some spoilers ahead)

Highlights –

Artemisia – I knew nothing about this girl before the movie. Eva Green is so menacing and beautiful, she steals every scene she is in. This role will shoot her into stardom.

Action – Some of the most amazing action sequences ever to be put on film. I caught myself being in awe many times. Some scenes are so violent that it may be hard to watch, but the choreography is beautiful. I mean who puts a horse in the middle of a naval battle?? I don’t know, but it’s bad ass!

Cinematography – Once again, Rise of an Empire has the same look and feel of the first movie. It fits in perfectly with the 2006 film and added so much more detail. The gloomy clouds and the violent seas make for a perfect adaptation to the comic book

Pulsating Drums – The soundtrack plays a huge role of making you feel as if you were right in the middle of battle

Problems –

Predictable – The story is pretty predictable. What the Spartans did in the first film, unites the countries together to fight off the Persians

Similarities – I wish there were a little more originality to the sequence of the movie. It’s a little too similar to the first 300. They fight one sequence, win, then fight another sequence the next day, then the final sequence.

Slow mo – A lot of people complain about the slo-mo of the first film, this movie has just as much or if not more.

Spartans – Missing are the cockiness of the Spartan army. We are left with an army of normal men lead by their general against the naval force of the Persains.


Robocop [2014] – Review


Robocop  [2014] – Review

In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) – a loving husband, father and good cop – is critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer.


Robocop has all the flashiness and action to make this a successful film, but lacks the soul that made the original a mega hit. This remake follows very closely to the story of the original, but this time we get a little more deeper in his relationship with his family. Gary Oldman is the only heart of the film. Most of the characters are boring, souless, and the villains forgetable. The PG-13 rating also lacked the edgy violence, nudity, and humor of the original film. Robocop 2014 will be another forgettable reboot that did not need to be recreated other than to make money off merchandising.

5 out of 10 Stars  “I’ll buy that for a dollar” 



(some spoilers ahead)

Highlights –

Robocop – Robocop 2014 would of messed up Robocop 1987, of course. Suit is more flexible, and much better technology. Even the black wasn’t too bad on him. The motorcycle was a nice touch over a cop car.

Gary Oldman – Gary Oldman provides the heart of the film. He is being forced to make a man more machine, but is trying to find the balance between humanity.

Problems –

Death of Alex Murphy – Alex Murphy death by car bomb is way to PG-13! Alex Murphy was destroyed in the 1987 film by the villains. Shot at least 20 times and the Rise of Robocop was more fun with the targeting system

Villains – The Villains were probably the most disappointing thing. Every villain in the original were great characters with limited screen time. There is no Dick Jones, Clarence J. Boddicker, or even toxic Emil M. Antonowsky. There is no one getting shot in the balls, no convenience store robbery. All great memories of the 1987 Robocop film.

Characters – Most of the characters were forgettable in this film. Why was Jay Baruchel in this film? There is no Lieut Anne Lewis, no Sarg Warren Reed, or a confident Bob Morton snorting cocaine off a hookers chest.

Robocop – Really no gun twirling?? :O

Sammuel L Jackson – They censored him! :O!

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues [2013] – Review

About Stacks

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues [2013] – Review

With the 70s behind him, San Diego’s top rated newsman, Ron Burgundy, returns to take New York’s first 24-hour news channel by storm.


The news team is back and it’s more of the same that made the first film a success. Anchorman 2 has some wonderful comedic bits that will put a smile on your face, but also never challenges its predecessor or dares to take comedy to bold new places. We get more of the same silliness, some racial/ethic jokes, and some amazing cameos that are unexpected. Will Farrell once again does an amazing job at bringing Ron Burgundy to life, but the rest of the team seems to have even more of a reduced role this time around. Anchorman 2 is outrageous and idiotic, but it’s also what you exactly wanted in this sequel.

8 out of 10 Stars  “I don’t want to sound mean, but you’re a stupid son of a bitch.” 


anchorman 2

(some spoilers ahead)

Highlights –

Cameo – Oh man, the cameos is my most favorite part of the movie. It happens near the end of the film and I almost thought that it wasn’t going to happen. I am not going to spoil anything, but this scene was just about as good as the first film with some very unexpected stars appearing.

Racial and Social Jokes – Some of the best jokes make fun of interracial relationship as well as how media stations cover the news.

Ron’s Son – Ron’s son adds the heart and charm of the film. He never questions his dads actions and loves him unconditionally.

Problems –

Too Silly – At times the silliness of the film hinder the film. Some jokes fall ridiculously flat and some jokes maybe only a child would appreciate.